Articles in this Newsletter January 29, 2021

End of Calendar Year

It is important that the 2021 calendar year is reflected in ENTERPRISE. The End of Calendar Year Maintenance Procedure will make the necessary updates in the application in one simple step. Accessed through the Data Management menu, this procedure does the following:

  • Rolls the Current Calendar Year in the Sequence Codes Table (FRSEQTAB) to reflect the new Calendar Year. The variable affected in this table is CC.


  • Rolls down the 5 Year Summary totals in the Financial Summary page for each account in the database. The procedure removes the oldest year from the display and creates a new empty 'bucket' for the year 2020.
  • If your organization has already processed gifts with 2021 credit dates, those will be loaded into the new 2021 buckets.

Note: This procedure is for organizations that utilize Calendar year as one of their two Financial Cycles. To check which Financial Cycles are used in your application, open the Financial Summary page in Account Management for any account. The Cycle drop down menu will display which Financial Cycles are used by your organization in ENTERPRISE.


To run this procedure, begin at the File menu. Select File > Data Management > Maintenance Procedures. The Data Maintenance Procedures menu will appear. Query or scroll to select the End of Calendar Year Procedure (n_frcaleoy). Click Run to start the procedure. The procedure should be executed at a time when gifts and gift adjustments are not being processed.


Contact History Import

Now that you have generated and mailed your tax receipts, you need to reflect that donor contact by updating their Contacts screen in Account Management with the date you mailed the tax receipts.

To help you mark the donors’ accounts, you can use the Contact History Import functionality to import your list of accounts who received their tax receipts. You will need, at a minimum, a Date and Source Code, and optionally, a Sub-Source Code. An example of a Source Code is ‘IRS Tax Receipts’ and Sub-Source Code is ‘2020 Tax Year’. These codes are created in the Source Codes Table and Sub-Source Codes Table. Once you have your codes setup, you can append them to your Tax Receipt mailing list, along with the mailing date.

NOTE: ENTERPRISE requires the file be formatted as a text (.txt) file. Be sure to do a ‘save as’ to your Excel spreadsheet in order to retain both versions of your document.

Using the Contact History Import feature, accessing it by navigating File >> Open >> Data Management >> Contact History Import.


The Contact History Import Layout Code Inquiry window will open.


You can use an existing layout code by clicking on the hyperlinked Description column or choose New at the top of the window to create a new layout.


The layout must match column for column to your text file, even if that means using the column ‘Filler’ repeatedly. (‘Filler’ tells Enterprise to ignore this column, skipping to the next column.) Add the columns from the left ‘Fields’ side to the right ‘File Layout’ side by either dragging and dropping, or double clicking on the field name.

Click the Preview… button at the top of the window to confirm your file layout accurately matches the columns in your file. A preview window will appear. This window can be printed or closed. Note that this window functions like an inquiry window within ENTERPRISE and has a limit of maximum number of records. Do not be alarmed if you have more accounts in your file than appear in the preview window. All accounts will be imported. This window is designed to confirm your layout is accurate, not confirm all information in the file.

Note that when the field ‘Filler’ is used in the layout, ENTERPRISE ignores the data and when previewed, the columns appear empty.

Click the Transfer… button to complete the Contact History Import. The icon is at the top of the screen Contact4.pngand resembles a runner. You will be prompted to save your changes if you have not already.


If you did not append the Source Code and optional Sub-Source Code to your file, you will be prompted to enter them in the import window.


A Transfer Complete message will appear when the import is complete. It will include the number of records updated and if any errors were found.


Click OK to receive an additional confirmation message.


Contacts can be viewed on the Contacts page in Account Management.

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