Get Help Upgrading

Let us take something off your plate, assist your outsourced IT team, or fill the gap from the ENTERPRISE expert who recently left. We can upgrade your ENTERPRISE database to v9 as part of our additional support services.
Contact us now to learn more and schedule your upgrade.

Download the ENTERPRISE Release Notes to learn about its new features, and share them with your ENTERPRISE team.
Here are a few things you need to know before you upgrade:

  1. Contact us when you're ready to download the v9 files. Your site's main contact will be able to download the files from the Support Center.
  2. Finish all of your in-progress Gift Acquisitions before upgrading from v8.10.1.1 or earlier versions. If you don't finish them first, you'll have to restart in-progress acquisitions after the upgrade. This is because we made some changes to the Gift Acquisition Data Verification and Load Data steps.
  3. Your upgrade scripts could take much longer to run if you do not regularly delete your completed acquisitions. Read more about this on the Advisories page of the Release Notes.

Don't forget to do a full database backup before you begin your upgrade.