Dashboard Download Library

Disclaimer: All items in this library are provided "AS IS". The customer is solely responsible for determining the suitability of these items. Andar Software provides NO WARRANTY whatsoever on anything downloaded from this library. Items downloaded are NOT COVERED under your maintenance agreement for Andar.

Don't have any existing Dashboards? Have Dashboards that were created eons ago that nobody uses?

Dashboards were designed to help people see, understand and work with data.

  • Dashboards make it easy to get value from your data by providing enterprise-wide results and analytics with the flexibility to offer views that become a useful part of your workday.

Recognizing that these amazing features were underused we talked with users to find out more. Most told us that they didn't have the time and/or the expertise to build their own from scratch.
So we gathered up the ideas we heard regarding what people wanted to see and have developed an initial set of Dashboards for you to import.

Download the latest Dashboards available below, then import them to your Andar environment.

Dashboard: Snapshot - e-Volunteer

New for 2025.01!

Dashboard: Thank You Letters

New for 2025.01!

Dashboard: Tax Receipts

New for 2025.01!

Dashboard: Statements

New for 2025.01!

Dashboard: Snapshot - Prospecting

New for 2025.01!

Dashboard: Prospecting by Manager

New for 2025.01!

Dashboard: Tribute Gifts

New for 2025.01!

Dashboard: Snapshot - Campaign

New for 2024.02!

Dashboard: Snapshot - e-Pledge

New for 2024.02!

Dashboard: Snapshot - Non-e-Pledge

New for 2024.02!

Dashboard: Churn

New for 2024.02!

Dashboard: Campaign Overview

New for 2024.02!

Dashboard: Constant Contact

New for 2024.02!

Dashboard: Mailchimp

New for 2024.02!

Dashboard: Campaign - Current Year

Revised for 2024.02!

Dashboard: Donor Passions
Dashboard: My Accounts
Dashboard: By Manager
Dashboard: Event Management
Dashboard: DC Payouts