Credit Card & ACH Processor (CCAP)


Andar/360 offers an optional “Credit Card and ACH Processor” (CCAP) module. This module allows credit card and ACH transactions to be authorized and processed electronically and automatically. Without this module, credit card and ACH transactions need to be processed manually outside of Andar. With CCAP, whether the transactions are received through e-Pledge, other electronic methods through lockbox, or paper forms, the credit card and ACH transactions can be automatically processed and the funds deposited in the fundraiser's bank account. CCAP currently processes all transactions through PayPal's Payflow Pro product or through CyberSource.


  • Process credit cards and ACH while entering transactions into Andar.
  • Eliminate double entry of credit card and ACH transactions.
  • Eliminate the need for external credit card processing devices.
  • Retain an audit trail of credit card and ACH authorization codes.
  • Automatically process recurring credit card or ACH payments.